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Exam Dates

Online: Every Sunday 2023-24

Offline: Every Sunday 2023-24           

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Enrollment Fee

Exam Fee Rs. 100/- only

Enrollment only online Applicable.

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Class VII, VIII, IX, X, XI Studying Students

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World Trade Tower, 99-Rajpur Road Missed Call:+91-7669400400

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welcome to ATSE-2023-2024.

Aviral Talent Search Exam-2023-2024 For Class VIII,IX & X, XI Studying Students.Biggest Exam of North India.Total Scholarship of Rs. 2 cr.

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What Toppers Say

I came Aviral from Risikesh having a dream for becoming an IITians. Aviral fulfilled my dream. I highly recommend to all for joining Aviral Classes.

Martand Dube (AIR-2719(GEN))


From very first day, teachers focused on each student of our batch and try to give us quality & concise notes. The best of all was there is no replacement of teachers throughout our session.

Vaishnavee Nautiyal (343/450 Marks)


The best part of Aviral Classes is its faculties and books. I always confident that I will crack the NEET. Thanks Aviral for helping me to achieve my goal.

Sanskriti Dutt (AIR-374)


Joining Aviral Classes was truely one of the most beneficial decisions that I had made for my NEET preparation. With a great atmosphere for studying among the brilliant minds from across the city..

Pragun Ahuja (AIR-77)


Aviral Talent Search Exam -2023-2024 Download Prospectus