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Online: Every Sunday 2023-24
Offline: Every Sunday 2023-24
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Why coaching for high achievers and how ATSE-2023-2024 will help?
In today's hyper competitive world, eminent educationists are compelled to move to higher levels of performance benchmarks. It is increasingly not enough for esteemed institutions to just have a 100% pass result in the board exams as a target. Success in competitive exams such as JEE (main and Advanced), NEET, KVPY, SAT, Olympiads & NTSE is the new parameter of success. Pressure to perform at the board exams coupled with the acute need to excel in competitive exams is creating extremely high levels of stress in students and parents.
This has an adverse impact on the overall personality of the student. Hence it is important that the schools look at ways to reduce this stress and enable holistic personality development of the students. We at Aviral Classes believe that School is a best place for overall learning; we cannot substitute schools where students not only get the base of academics but also get the lesson of life along with co-curricular activity which we believe is the most important for every child.
To meet the challenges we at Aviral Classes is synchronizing our study with school going students and trying to reduce their pressure by applying various tricks, tools, technology & research and providing them customize books such as formula books, doubt classes, backlog classes with most stable and experience faculties. These efforts make the coaching expensive which may not possible for every child to afford.
ATSE-2023-2024 is an effort to provide coaching to all meritorious students at very reasonable (almost free) cost so that money will not come in between their dream and them. Not only this we are ready to help our students after their JEE or PMT selections. We have several schemes in which we do care our students after their selection in various colleges for graduation. ATSE-2023-2024 also provides scholarship for those bright students who don't want to attend coaching classes. The scholarship contains Cash Rewards, Free DLP Package and fee waiver in our program. About ATSE-2023-2024
ATSE-2023-2024 is a scholarship examination in which students will be judged by their problem solving skills in Science( Physics, Chemistry and Biology), Mathematics and Mental Ability. The Detailed syllabus and date of examination is given on syllabus page
Online: Every Sunday 2023-24
Offline: Every Sunday 2023-24
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Exam Fee Rs. 100/- only
Enrollment only online Applicable.
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Class VII, VIII, IX, X, XI Studying Students
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World Trade Tower, 99-Rajpur Road Missed Call:+91-7669400400 Email:[email protected]
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